About Us

Welcome to BamBoo!

Only approved sitters

At any moment you can check the qualifications of the any carers you like.

Best prices

The best babysitters for you. Find child care for your family at reasonable price.

Easy search

Search for a babysitter? Quickly find the one who suit you best. The best child care is here.

It’s easy!

Find great child care for your family at reasonable price. Simply drop us a few lines and we will pick the best option for you.

We specialize in meeting the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children. Be sure your kids are safe with our hard-working staff.

Some Facts

Professional sitters
Happy parents
Days of experience
Happy kids

Featured Babysitters

Abbie Wells
Abbie Wells
Evening babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child
Amelia Bailey
Amelia Bailey
Afterschool babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child
Lauren Baker
Lauren Baker
Evening babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child
María Guadalupe
María Guadalupe
Afterschool babysitter
We provide the best temporary caring for a child

Our Partners

Client 5
Client 5
Client 5
Client 4
Client 3